Welcome to AwakeNetwork, a community of meditation practitioners from a wide variety of traditions whose goal is simple: to awaken in this lifetime. In this community you will find people from all walks of life, young and old, modern and traditional, bound by a common thread to figure out what it means to live "happier".

Membership is free.

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Why should I join?

We hope that by creating a placePhoto by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash to foster the communication and sharing of practical wisdom, we will all end up in a better place, and leave a legacy to pass on to future generations. By joining AwakeNetwork, you can help with that legacy. But equally importantly, you will learn to live a fuller, happier life by understanding yourself better.

If you reached here, you probably already have a meditation practice, possibly through one of the well-known apps that promise to help you focus, or to sleep better. But, if you reached here, you have also discovered that there is something else...missing. Let the other members of AwakeNetwork, seekers like you, help you find that missing piece.


Photo by Mario Purisic on Unsplash

A network of communities

AwakeNetwork is a true network of communities (or sanghas, if you prefer the traditional term). Your membership is linked to one or more of these communities, to allow you to discuss your practice with like-minded individuals. At the same time, you can participate in discussions that span communities to benefit from the network effect, making your membership here more valuable.



Our pledge to you

Your contemplative practice is private, very private. And we take that privacy very seriously. So whatever you share on AwakeNetwork in private forums will remain private to the groups you post to, and will not be indexed by search engines. Also, your personal details like name or email addresses will never be sold or shared outside of AwakeNetwork, unless you give us explicit permission to do so. And if you ever want to erase all record of your being on AwakeNetwork, we will comply immediately, no questions asked.

We hope you find AwakeNetwork a kind and helpful community.

Join AwakeNetwork